Saturday, August 7, 2010

CEA Core Values



We believe that our College’s Vision and Mission can only be achieved if we create a working, teaching and learning environment in campus that is characterized by the following core values, appreciated by all and lived by everyone:

1. Constant Quest for Excellence

Excellence is not mediocrity. The faculty members, non-teaching staff and students of this College will strive to constantly love their work through mastery of the basics and constant upgrading of knowledge and skills. Good enough should never be enough for us.

This search for excellence will be rooted in a deep humility that moves us all to use our God-given talents, to learn from one another, to help each other improve, and to reject all forms of arrogance as we grow in knowledge, skills and values. All striving for excellence must aim to give glory of God and to serve people selflessly.

There is such a thing as good ambition. And we encourage everyone in school to strive to excel in academic performance and interscholastic competitions. Everyone, students and faculty members, should get eagerly involved in these competitive activities, that help us hone our academic knowledge and skills always with a spirit of genuine sportsmanship and friendly companionship.

2. Passion for Integrity

Integrity is the quality of a person who has a keen sense of moral principles, that are perennial and objective, and who adheres to them unwaveringly. We also know that nobody is perfect and we are all capable of making mistakes. Yet in spite of our weaknesses, we are also aware that we are all called to seek moral refinement in the exercise of our profession. And only with God’s grace is this possible.

Students must strive to be honest always in their school work and interpersonal relationships. Honesty as the only policy rejects all forms of cheating, plagiarism, forgery, false excuses, lies, and hypocrisy, cruelty, unkindness, etc.

Faculty members, staff and administrators must be role models in the practice of integrity.

Teachers must reject any form of favoritism that grants good grades without commensurate effort. They must avoid asking favors from students in exchange of passing or better grades. They definitely should not encourage students to gamble, to engage in lewd conversations and actions, to get intoxicated through liquor and drugs, etc., during activities within and outside school.

The administrators must also do their jobs with fairness and objectivity. They must respect the authority of the teachers in reference to their classes and their students. They must not harass teachers and influence them unduly in favor of some selected students who claim to belong to a privileged status.

3. Spirit of Service

Service to God and to people are our highest motives for working. All other good motives (success, security, growth) are subordinated to these highest motives. Evil motives for working should have no room in our hearts.

Our spirit of service pushes us to work hard to transform all activities in campus to real learning experiences for students. This is the main aim of education: the acquisition of truth with certainty in a manner that is virtuous. Scientia et Virtus.

Everyone in campus must serve the students. We shall do these with utmost availability and constant willingness to do more for our students.

Teachers must strive to prepare their lessons well seeking ways and means to maintain their student’s interest and to demand from them serious and constant work. Every corrected paper with its corresponding grade, passing or failing, should be for a student a learning experience still.

4. Spirit of Teamwork and Collaboration

The Vision of the College is an ennobling goal. It cannot be achieved by one person alone. All of us, teachers, staff and students, must strive to make it a reality. It is this goal that unites us.

Since we want this vision to become a reality, we will constantly cooperate with one another, supporting each other mutually. We must reject that debilitating scourge called indifference. We refuse to treat anyone with indifference. We will show genuine concern for the good of all students and colleagues,

These spirit of collaboration is premised on trust and confidence in one another. We will work hard to trust everyone, with vigilance and cooperation. Let us acknowledge each other’s strength and help one another overcome our weaknesses.

We reject all forms of individualism that lead to disunity. There should be no room in our hearts and working environment for envy, crab mentality, and all forms of selfishness.

5. Love for Discipline

Honorable behavior is best characterized by self-mastery with the sound principles of integrity as our guide. Self-mastery is nothing else but the practice of self-control and self-discipline.

Thus we are all committed to follow diligently with refinement the rules and regulations of our School and College. We will wear our proper uniforms and follow the dress code strictly. We will avoid being noisy when it is the time for serious study and work. We will contribute to keep the school premises clean and comfortable for all to use.

Time should be of paramount importance to all of us. We must be punctual always in all our activities. Refuse to extend classes that will delay the next classes or force students to arrive late at their next classes.

Teachers will strive to discipline their students without shaming them. This requires a refined spirit that rejects both a laxity that debilitates and a strictness that belittles. A balance must be struck. This type of discipline is reasonable and acceptable by students. It must, in the end, teach them how to discipline themselves.

6. Genuine Respect for Others

Genuine respect for students will lead teachers to be considerate and demanding at the same time. Willing to help students pass and get good grades without spoiling them or tolerating poor quality. Students must do their part and cooperate with their teachers in all that helps them become good students.

Emotional maturity helps us to treat each other with refinement and charity. We must avoid giving in to emotional reactions that hurt others and make the working environment very unpleasant. Anger must be tamed. Hatred must be avoided at all costs. Fear should not be taken advantage of.

We must be willing to help one another constructively and not allow a teacher to continue doing the wrong thing to his great disadvantage. We must correct one another delicately but firmly. We should allow ourselves to be helped and not make things difficult for people who are correcting us through emotional over-reaction.

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